Games of Daze
Infomagic - Games of Daze (Summer 1995) (Disc 1 of 2).iso
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Pascal/Delphi Source File
168 lines
program ShadingBobs;
{ Principles of shaded bobs, see comment below, by Bas van Gaalen, Holland, PD }
uses dos;
colors : array[1..768] of byte =(
43, 0, 54, 44, 0, 54, 45, 0, 55, 46, 0, 56,
48, 0, 56, 49, 0, 57, 50, 0, 58, 52, 0, 59, 53, 0, 59, 54, 0, 60, 56, 0, 61,
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53, 0, 36, 52, 0, 33, 51, 0, 30, 49, 0, 27, 48, 0, 24, 47, 0, 21, 45, 0, 15,
45, 0, 0, 46, 1, 0, 47, 2, 0, 48, 4, 0, 49, 6, 0, 50, 8, 0, 51, 9, 0,
51, 10, 0, 52, 11, 0, 52, 13, 0, 53, 14, 0, 53, 15, 0, 54, 17, 0, 54, 19, 0,
55, 20, 0, 55, 21, 0, 56, 21, 0, 56, 22, 0, 56, 23, 0, 56, 25, 0, 57, 26, 0,
57, 27, 0, 58, 29, 0, 58, 30, 0, 59, 31, 0, 59, 33, 0, 60, 34, 0, 60, 36, 0,
61, 38, 0, 61, 39, 0, 62, 40, 0, 63, 42, 0, 63, 42, 0, 63, 43, 0, 63, 44, 0,
63, 46, 0, 63, 47, 0, 63, 48, 0, 63, 50, 0, 63, 52, 0, 63, 53, 0, 63, 55, 0,
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39, 59, 0, 38, 59, 0, 38, 58, 0, 37, 58, 0, 36, 58, 0, 35, 58, 0, 34, 58, 0,
33, 58, 0, 32, 58, 0, 31, 58, 0, 30, 58, 0, 29, 57, 0, 27, 55, 0, 25, 54, 0,
23, 52, 0, 21, 51, 0, 19, 49, 0, 17, 48, 0, 15, 46, 0, 13, 45, 0, 11, 43, 0,
9, 42, 0, 07, 40, 0, 05, 38, 0, 03, 37, 0, 0, 36, 0, 0, 35, 0, 0, 36, 3,
0, 37, 5, 0, 38, 7, 0, 39, 9, 0, 40, 11, 0, 41, 13, 0, 42, 15, 0, 43, 17,
0, 44, 18, 0, 45, 19, 0, 46, 21, 0, 47, 22, 0, 48, 23, 0, 49, 24, 0, 49, 25,
0, 49, 26, 0, 49, 27, 0, 49, 29, 0, 50, 31, 0, 50, 33, 0, 50, 35, 0, 50, 37,
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Gseg : word = $a000;
Sofs = 40; Samp = 50; Slen = 255;
SprPic : array[0..15,0..15] of byte = (
type SinArray = array[0..Slen] of word;
var Stab : SinArray;
procedure CalcSinus; var I : word; begin
for I := 0 to Slen do Stab[I] := round(sin(I*4*pi/Slen)*Samp)+Sofs; end;
procedure SetGraphics(Mode : word); assembler; asm
mov ax,Mode; int 10h end;
function keypressed : boolean; assembler; asm
mov ah,0bh; int 21h; and al,0feh; end;
procedure DrawSprite(X,Y : integer; W,H : byte; Sprite : pointer); assembler;
push ds
lds si,[Sprite]
mov es,Gseg
mov ax,[Y]
shl ax,6
mov di,ax
shl ax,2
add di,ax
add di,[X]
mov bh,[H]
mov cx,320
sub cl,[W]
sbb ch,0
mov bl,[W]
or al,al
jz @S
mov dl,[es:di]
add dl,al
and dl,63
mov [es:di],dl
inc di
dec bl
jnz @L2
add di,cx
dec bh
jnz @L
pop ds
procedure Retrace; assembler; asm
mov dx,3dah;
@l1: in al,dx; test al,8; jnz @l1;
@l2: in al,dx; test al,8; jz @l2; end;
procedure Setpalette;
var I : byte;
for I := 1 to 64 do begin
port[$3c8] := I;
port[$3c9] := 10+I div 3;
port[$3c9] := 5+I div 2;
port[$3c9] := I;
{Procedure redac;
var regs : registers;
regs.ah := $10;
regs.al := $12;
regs.bx := $00;
regs.cx := $100;
regs.dx := ofs(colors);
regs.es := seg(colors);
intr($10, regs);
procedure Bobs;
var X,Y : integer; I1,I2,J1,J2 : byte;
I1 := 60; I2 := 100; J1 := 55; J2 := 200;
X := Stab[I1]+Stab[I2]; Y := Stab[J1]+Stab[J2];
inc(I1,2); inc(I2,3); inc(J1); inc(J2,2);
until keypressed;
{ DrawSprite procedure taken from Sean Palmer (again).
It contained some minor bugs: [X] was added to AX, should be DI, and
jz @S was jnz @S, so the sprite wasn't drawn. Now it is...
And of course it was changed to INCREASE the video-mem, not to poke it.
If you get rid of the Retrace it goes a LOT faster. }